Nyári elvonulás és elmélkedés

2016. július 8-10.

Három napos napos utazás jövőnk szabadon alakíthatósága felé

Friedhelm Boschert az “önirányítás” elismert osztrák szakembere ismét ellátogat hozzánk egy kurzus erejéig. Mivel programja angol nyelvű, üzenetét is ezen a nyelven közvetítjük:

Yes, numerous new experiences and insights were made throughout our fantastic Mindful Winter Retreat at Sopron Monastery – with a lasting impact: “I’m leading a more mindful life since our retreat in Sopron”, another particpant described her life weeks after.
Now again you have the chance to bring yourself to a very new dimension. Our Springtime “Retreat and Reflect” will take place soon after Easter in April. Four days for yourself, time to listen to yourself, getting focused and clear in mind. Make springtime your new beginning.
Martina and I again created a very special and unique retreat at the old monastery close to the Hungarian border nearby Vienna.

Former Pauline-Carmelite-Monastery Wandorf at Sopron/Hungary
Looking forward to experience and to enjoy …
– calming down after a busy year and listening to your Self and what life will tell you
– the silence and atmosphere of an ancient place with spiritual energy
– practicing different exercises in mindfulness and meditation and archery
– discovering new skills in “mindful leadership”
– accessing your source of inspiration and vision with Otto Scharmer’s “U”
– the Hungarian baroque city of Sopron and the excellent Hungarian kitchen of the Monastery Retreat

Arrival: Friday, July 8th, 2016, afternoon
Departure: Sunday, July 10th, 2016, afternoon
Location: at Hungary, close to the border of Austria, near
lake “Neusiedler See”
Distance Vienna Airport: 50 – 60 min (transfer will be

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