Mindful days at year end – A sensing journey to approach your future as it emerges

December 9-13th 2015

Former Pauline-Carmelite-Monastery Wandorf at Sopron/Hungary
Looking forward to experience and to enjoy …
– calming down after a busy year and listening to your Self and what life will tell you
– the silence and atmosphere of an ancient place with spiritual energy
– practicing different exercises in mindfulness and meditation and find the right ones for your own further practice. Also experience “ZEN and the art of archery”
– developing new skills in “mindful leadership”
– travelling along the “U” with Otto Scharmers Presencing approach to access your source of inspiration and vision
– the Hungarian baroque city of Sopron and the excellent Hungarian kitchen of the Monastery Retreat

Arrival: Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 2015, afternoon
Departure: Sunday, Dec. 13th, 2015, noon
Location: at Hungary, close to the border of Austria, near
lake “Neusiedler See”
Distance Vienna Airport: 50 – 60 min (transfer will be


Wednesday “Step into the silence”
During the day: Arrival and check-in
06:00 pm: Get together
06:30 pm: Dinner at beautiful Refectory
08:00 pm: Introduction to mindfulness and evening meditation

Thursday “ Body and Mind”
06:30 am: Morning meditation and Qi Gong
08:00 am: Breakfast
09:00 am: Short lectures, mindful exercises, meditation practice (i.a. Vipassana) and reflecting
01:00 pm: Lunch
02:00 pm: Mindful Walk (i.a. Kin hin)
03:00 pm: Short lectures, meditation practice (i.a. Nadabrahma) and reflecting
06:30 pm: Dinner
08:00 pm: Evening Meditation “Kundalini”

Friday „Open Heart“
06:30 am: Morning meditation “Mandala”
08:00 am: Breakfast
09:00 am: Mindful exercises, meditation practice (i.a. Athisha) and reflecting
01:00 pm: Lunch
02:00 pm: Dialogue Walk
03:00 pm: Meditation practice and reflecting with a monk or spiritual teacher
06:30 pm: Silent dinner
08:00 pm: Evening meditation “Sufi – Swaying”

Saturday “Letting Go”
06.30 am: Morning Meditation “ZaZen” and Qi Gong
08:00 am: Breakfast
09:00 am: Short lectures on “Leadership” and Meditation practice “Za Zen”
12:00 am: Lunch
01:00 pm: ZEN and the Art of Archery – Focusing and Letting Go
04:00 pm: Meditation practice and “Your step into the future”
06:30 pm: Dinner
08:00 pm: Private Organ Concert at Monastery Church and Evening Meditation

Sunday „Mindful Future“
06:30 am: Morning Meditation and Qi Gong
08:30 am: Breakfast
09:30 am: Group reflection on Mindfulness and Presencing as an approach to individual and social change
11:30 am: Visiting Old Town of Sopron
01:00 pm: Leaving to the airport or Vienna

Participation fee
includes transfer from/to Vienna Airport, very comfortable accommodation for 4 nights , breakfast, all meals (excluding beverages) and comprehensive retreat and meditation guidance.
p.P. in single room Euro 1.095
p.P. in double room Euro 1.025

– is unique and individually designed for you
– is a proposal and might be adjusted according to your wishes
– leaves enough space for individual times of reflections

Binding registration should be with an advance payment of 200 Euro. Details will be sent after your registration at

Dr. Friedhelm Boschert
Founder and Director of the Institute. More than 20 years of profound leadership experience in international settings – most recently as CEO of a banking network with more than 5.000 staff in 10 countries. Currently visiting lecturer at IMC FH Krems for Leadership and CSR with lectures in Austria and Vietnam. Started meditating 20 years ago and since two years he’s a certified teacher in Meditation and Mindfulness. In 2011 he published his book „Sich selbst führen – und dann die anderen“. Currently conducting advisory services and Mindful Coaching for executives and leadership training in mindfulness for corporates.
Herrengasse 6-8, 1010 Wien

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